
Ultimate Guide to Energetic Protection with Crystals

 The Need for Energetic Protection and Crystal Shielding In an increasingly chaotic and interconnected world, energetic protection has become more than a spiritual concept—it’s a necessary practice for anyone sensitive to their surroundings or striving to maintain inner peace. Crystals,...

New Year New Energy with Selenite

Unveiling the Mystical World of Selenite Welcome to an enthralling exploration of Selenite, a crystal that transcends mere beauty to embody a rich tapestry of history, spirituality, and metaphysical wonder. Selenite, with its ethereal luminescence and fine, celestial strands, has...

5 Calming Crystals For Stress

Bills. Responsibilities. Family. Life. Do you feel stressed just by thinking about those things? I definitely do! I find calming crystals have been my saving grace in the past few years and I have taken advantage of it to help...

Happy New Moon in Libra!

Our New Moon Crystal Set will help you clear your energy and set new intentions. Selenite: Clear your energyBlack Moonstone: Connecting to the new moon energyAquamarine: Helps to bring clarity to new things comingTree Agate: Brings abundance in all areas...

Shungite for Protection and Detox

What is shungite?  Shungite is a stone of purification. It neutralizes negative energies in your space and around your body, bringing you back into a state of spiritual and emotional balance. Shungite is made mostly of carbon (the same stuff...