
I’m New to Crystals Where Do I Start

When you’re beginning to work with the energy of crystals, it may feel quite stressful. You may be asking yourself questions like how do I know which crystals are right for me? How do I know that my crystals are...

5 Calming Crystals For Stress

Bills. Responsibilities. Family. Life. Do you feel stressed just by thinking about those things? I definitely do! I find calming crystals have been my saving grace in the past few years and I have taken advantage of it to help...

5 Crystals For Burnout & Exhaustion

Have you been on the go nonstop? Is it starting to catch up to you? You’re definitely experiencing some form of exhaustion or even burnout! Burnout and exhaustion can really make you stop feeling like yourself. While crystals won’t cure...

Jupiter in Retrograde

Happy Soul Jupiter in Retrograde Set A time of spiritual introspection and reflection✔️Labradorite- Growth and transformation✔️Desert Rose- Healing and releasing what we don’t need✔️Blue Apatite- Sovereignty and acknowledgement of self✔️Amethyst- Philosophical wisdomJupiter is about growth and abundance, so when it...

Third Eye Chakra Crystals

Allows clear though, inner vision and spiritual guidance. Dashboard of the senses. Discernment of truth and illusion- Intuition ✔️Amethyst- Intuition✔️Charoite- Shielding ✔️Lepidolite- Relaxation✔️Lolite- Visions✔️Labradorite- Transformation✔️Merlinite-Mystic✔️Azurite- Psychic Initiation✔️Lapis Lazuli- Wisdom✔️Tanzanite- Spiritual Connection

Throat Chakra Crystals

Ruler of speaking your truth, communication and self expression ✔️Blue Calcite- Calm✔️Blue Lace Agate- Listen✔️Blue Kyanite- Communication✔️Sodalite- Truth✔️Celestite- Angelic protection✔️Angelite- Angelic connection✔️Aqua Aura Quartz- Higher realms✔️Turquoise- Wisdom✔️Aquamarine- Flow