5 Crystals for Winter Solstice

5 Crystals for Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice is such a bittersweet experience that we go through once every year. As the Northern Hemisphere tilts further away from the son we will experience the longest night of the year! For some, this may sound like such a beautiful and magical experience, for others this may just add to the season blues! Regardless of how you’re feeling, it is important to ensure you prepare yourself for the changes around you! Here are 5 crystals to get you through this transitional period that we call the winter solstice and move you into the lighter and brighter days ahead!



Rose Quartz

The winter solstice is such a transitional experience. We are about to move into brighter and lighter days. With transitional shifts like this, many feel it is a great time to also shift in their lives. Rose Quartz is a great energy crystal to incorporate in your life not only during the winter solstice, but throughout the rest of your year. Rose Quartz helps with forgiving yourself and others. It is the universal love stone and helps you find inner peace and comfort with love for both yourself and your loved ones around you. Rose Quartz helps you with being gentle and loving yourself which can sometimes be difficult during such transitional shifts.




Sunstone is a personal favourite, especially through the winter season. While the winter solstice means lighter and longer days, it won’t happen overnight! This transition takes time which means that there is still a chance you will be feeling some symptoms of seasonal blues. Sunstone is great for helping you overcome procrastination and brings you the sun energy you need! Sunstone is great to have on your desk while working along with having by your night stand to wake up and fall asleep to!



Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite is an energy crystal that brings instant joy! This beautiful energy crystal is bright and will instantly change the energy and emotions that you're having. This energy crystal makes you feel happy just by being in its presence. Orange Calcite helps with refreshing the mind as well. This will be useful especially during the winter solstice because it will help you with moving forward into the better and lighter days! The Winter Solstice is a great time to make changes in your life and shifting your mindset is such a great accomplishment!



Blue Apatite

Are you feeling like this is a really good time to let things go and start a new chapter? Then blue apatite is the crystal for you! This energy crystal is all about helping you remove old baggage whether that is emotionally, physically or mentally. Winter solstice helps with putting things in perspective and helps you determine what you would like to incorporate and keep in your life moving forward as the days get lighter and brighter. Blue apatite is a great crystal to incorporate in your daily life as it helps with manifesting new desires. Blue apatite is a crystal that is most powerful in your space. Keep it around your surroundings as much as possible and cleanse it regularly!


Smoky Quartz

With such a major transitional shift, it can be a little overwhelming! Along with winter solstice comes the holidays. This time of year, is stressful! Between the consistent darkness for the last few weeks, holiday shopping, holiday plans and our personal lives, it can feel like you are not in control. Smoky quartz is an energy crystal that is worth incorporating in your every day life. Smoky quartz helps with gently grounding you and protecting and reducing stress. Smoky quartz is great to have when you’re meditating, getting ready for bed or feeling anxious in general!