Collection: Clearance

5 products

  • Crystals

    Obsidian - Snowflake Tumble $2

    Helping you see the value in mistakes as well as success, Snowflake Obsidian gives you the feeling that everything will be alright. Chakra Association: RootAstrological Association: Scorpio,...

    Sale price $2.00
  • Crystals

    Abalone Shell $3 - Clearance now $1.50

    Encourages building community and support systems, bringing balance into your energy field. Chakra Association: AllAstrological Association: Cancer & The MoonCountry of Origin: WorldwideStructure: Trigonal (Hexagonal) Each stone is...

    Sale price $1.50
  • Bowls & Sticks

    Singing Bowl CLEARANCE - Crystal 10" D/Sacral $200

    Now available for shipping! This set includes a crystal singing bowl and baton. Singing bowls are effective for clearing spaces, negative energies as well as cleansing crystals. ...

    Sale price $180.00
  • Crystals

    Tourmaline Clearance - Pink on Stand $45

    Are you ready to work through any pain and let it go? Pink Tourmaline mends a broken heart. It clears the emotional body of destructive feelings...

    Sale price $45.00
  • Crystals

    Amethyst Cluster Cave $500 SALE

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Sale price $400.00