Citrine & Pyrite: Manifest Abundance!

Citrine & Pyrite: Manifest Abundance!

Citrine and Pyrite on their own are both awesome and powerful crystals! However, as a team they are the ultimate best friend squad ever! They accelerate manifestation and activate abundance in your life with speed and ease. When placed together they work to form an energetic vortex that quickly manifests your desires and transmutes your mentality from lack into abundance.

You can find raw, tumbled Citrine & Pyrite  in-store & online.


Type:  Quartz

Structure: Hexagonal Crystal Structure They help you find that which you desire, yet lack

Use in Crystal Grids: as a generator at the center or energizer connecting crystal in the grid as a point.

Colour: Bright Yellow to Honey

Chakra: Super Crystal; Connects 3 Chakras! Sacral, Solar Plexus and Crown.

Zodiac: Connect to the Sun and the Sign Gemini, Leo

Crystal pairing:  Pyrite, Green Aventurine, Garnet

Essential oil pairing: Lemon balm, Orange, Almond

Animal Totems: the feline kingdom  

Availability: common to rare based on vails of natural Citrine in Africa

Where is it Found: heat treated Citrine can be found from amethyst in Brazil and most natural Citrine comes from Africa in Zimbabwe

How to Use: Best for wearing as a pendent or bracelet or keeping in your wallet or purse

Using the Crystal

Practical: brings abundance into a home and transfers mentality form lack to prosperity mindset.

Emotional: effective for depression and chronic guilt

Physical Benefits: helps on the healing journey of hyper tension being held in the body from trauma and most issues connected to the liver.

Magical: Transforms negative situations into positive ones and fights of mystical attacks

Divination: Take a chance as luck is on your side!

Workplace: helps to increase sales and attract customers perfect to place beside your computer if you have a online business.

Home: place at the center of your home to assist in bringing in abundance of the things you love into your space.

Empowerment/Affirmation: I attract Abundance into my Life?

Question to ask oneself: What do I need more of in my life?

Comparison chart




Super Crystal, connecting to 3 Chakras, Crown/Solar Plexus/Sacral   



Transmutes negative energy into positive energy


Is symbolic of luck  


Can be used as a protection stone


Does not need to be cleared or charged   



Natural Citrine Vs Heat Treated and what you need to know!

Here is where we get people going! As I am sure you have heard there is a massive controversy that spreading the internet that not all Citrine is “real” that heat treated Citrine is fake and who ever sells it is a fraud!

Wow, right?

Let me take the time to educate you on gems and crystal along with the principles of crystals for energy.

Hey everyone! I am Joey Wargachuk, Crystal Expert and Teacher at Happy Soul Academy. As someone who purchases crystals professionally and buys a lot of raw stones and gemstones. I know the process that a lot of stones go through before they make it to your hands.

I don’t hide it! I am a big fan of heat treated Citrine. I like how it looks ascetically as a piece of radiant sunshine and I love how it feels. I have worked with it for over 10 years and I have a massive collection of it as I also do natural Citrine.

I like to educate you on what I know so you can be aware and mindful as a crystal collector and buyer and not jump on the let’s hate something because an influencer said so band wagon.

Yes, Heat Treated Citrine is Artificially heated amethyst which causes it to change Colour. Most people don’t know that in high end gemology and jewelry making that most gems are heat treated all the time to get the right colors as its impossible to get them in nature.

Energetically speaking, as a crystal healer after spending so much time with both crystals, natural Citrine and heat treated. I can whole heartedly tell you that both have energy and both can be used for healing.

If you like to learn more about the energy of fake Crystals Click Here

Natural Citrine is Smoky Quartz that had been exposed after formation to a lava flow causing it to change color, this can also happen naturally to Amethyst and this process is what is part of the creation of AMATRINE the crystal that has Amethyst and Citrine together.

Natural Citrine can be more grounding because it transmutes by heat from Smoky Quartz which is a root chakra crystal. What I love about Heat treated Citrine is that it transmutes from Amethyst which is a third eye crystal so it helps with activating and transformations mentality of lack and increasing money magic and manifestation.

I totally get that people would want to keep and work with natural crystals, however those same people most of the time are the exact same people who say they resonate and are attracted to a Andara crystals and Opalite.

It’s important to point out! That those crystals are not crystals they are glass!

Citrine being heat treated may change its energy and it’s an artificial SECONDARY process, however it’s still a crystal.

The most noteworthy fact to point out is that in the past few years because of influencers marketing and the big push of crystal healers searching for only "Natural Citrine” and shunning heat treated has caused a massive demand resulting in huge amounts of reconstituted: a process of grinding up crystals and merging them with glass and heating them. Which drains them of most of their energy, and completely “fake” natural Citrine which most collectors and buyers cannot tell the difference because they are so busy avoiding heat treated Citrine that they have not noticed all the fakes they are buying that have flooded the market.

All I ask is to be mindful and intuitively test when buying crystals. Ask the store whether or not the natural Citrine is real. Know that heat treated is just as good and has its uses and hey after you hold it, you may even love it too.

Citrine Comparison chart




Heat Treated

Super Crystal, connecting to 3 Chakras, Crown/Solar Plexus/Sacral   



Transmutes negative energy into positive energy



heated a second time ether naturally or artificially



Smoky Quartz Base


Amethyst Base





Type:  Iron Sulphide

Structure: Enhancers/ Amplifiers: Isometric Crystal Structure

Use in Crystal Grids: Support Crystal as a amplifier/enhancer to the other crystals.

Colour: Metallic and slivery

Chakra: Solar Plexus, energizing your will to create prosperity on your own terms

Zodiac: connect to Aries or Leo and Planet Earth

Crystal pairing:  It is a Super Team Start with Citrine

Essential oil pairing: Frankincense

Animal Totems: Owls

Availability: Very Common

Where is it Found: Found all over the world but most notably Spain and United States

How to Use: excellent to keep near money or on top of it



Using the Crystal

Practical: helps to deter the user from making unwise finical choices

Emotional: Helps to ward off manipulations by others and bring you into your own mindset and strength

Physical Benefits: Brings strength and energy to the blood and bones of the physical body.

Magical: An attractor crystal for bringing what you desire into your life with sheer will

Divination: Ones person's Junk is another person’s treasure

Workplace: if your looking for a promotion or a manager this crystal inspires leadership

Home: excellent for placing in the home office to inspire entrepreneurship  

Empowerment/Affirmation: I accept only what is Positive into my life!

Question to ask oneself: What Energy is needed to get what I want?


Comparison chart




Can be used to energize and amplify  



Pairs well with Citrine



Is symbolic of luck  


An attractor crystal



Solar Plexus Activator  





Why Citrine & Pyrite are a Super Combo?

Let’s break it down super simple! First off Citrine is a Seeker Hexagonal Crystal structure Quartz that sends your intentions and desires into the universe! Citrine is also a super crystal that amplifies and energizes not 1 but 3 chakras- Crown, Solar Plexus and Sacral also making it one of the few crystals that transmutes from negative to positive vibrations. it’s so powerful that its frequency vibration clears the mental body helping to release thoughts of lack and scarcity  into energy and will of abundance.

Pyrite is a Isometric Crystal structure that amplifies and enhances crystals its in proximity with. It strengthens the energetic connection and speeds up the base properties and attraction.

When Matched with pyrite combined Citrine & Pyrite form an energetic matrix bond that triggers a shift in the mental energetic body towards money and entrepreneurial mastery. Allowing to amplify manifestation and allow abundance to flow in like a waterfall.



Citrine & Pyrite Guided Meditation

Get your Citrine & Pyrite Tumble or raw piece and find a spot sit and be with these two crystals together😊

Find a quiet place for yourself for the next few moments and take a comfortable seat.

Allow your self to enter a state of absolute relaxation

As you hold your Citrine & Pyrite connect the their core vibration and allow the high frequency of abundance and manifestation connect to your Entire Body!

Allow your Solar Plexus right below your rib cage to open and receive that healing vibrations of the Citrine & Pyrite.

As Your Solar Plexus Balances and pulses Golden Light allow that high vibration clear any thoughts of lack and money frustration from your mental body

As you sit in oneness with your Joy allow your purpose and desires to come into view in your minds eye.

Allow the Gravity of the perfection of this vision to build clarity as the Pyrite & Citrine energetic vortex pulls it into reality.

Take a deep breath in the Light of the Universe and Give Thanks to the Two Crystals you have held in oneness with love.