Find Balance this Libra Season with these 4 Crystals

Find Balance this Libra Season with these 4 Crystals

Say your sweet goodbyes to Virgo, and hello to a lovely Libra season! (September 22nd, 2020 until October 22nd, 2020).


Whereas Virgo season is wholly about efficiency – perhaps you could say it is all work, no play – Libra season is all about a balance of the two. Yes, that’s right. You heard me correctly: this month, you will get to have your cake and eat it too. Because during Libra season, all of the astrological signs benefit from the chance to work and play.


Symbolized by the scales and ruled by Venus (the planet of love) Libra is sure to bring an air of dreamy and dynamic energy to the room. Speaking of air, this air sign is deeply connected to the throat and heart chakras – meaning that effective communication, speaking from the heart, as well as decision-making based upon your dreams is especially important this month. Because who doesn’t want to manifest all that they desire, right?


Although this month entails solo endeavours, the wonderful thing about Libra season is that it’s not just about where you are, but who you’re with. This season is about who supports you on your path to greatness.


We can understand that a pandemic makes it quite difficult to be as social as the Libra butterfly, but what we can say is that no matter what your sign, it is imperative that the few you’re surrounded by are those who love, support, amplify and uplift you. So, take a look around and ask yourself, is my community propelling me further or closer to all that I dream of?


Balance is key, dear crystal keepers. Before making any hasty decisions, it is imperative to take that proficient energy, and allow for rest when it is needed.


If you are looking to excel during Libra season, be it in your social, love or work life (or better yet, all three!) we recommend the following crystals to keep you balanced and prosperous throughout:


Lapis Lazuli: is a stone of vitality which encourages mental endurance, inner wisdom and peace. It evokes the notion that one is enough and capable of achieving their dreams. The stone stimulates one’s natural gifts, creative expression and organization. It also energizes the heart and throat chakras, allowing one to speak inner truth.


Lapis Lazuli has been mined for over 6000 years and is one of the first gemstones to be worn as jewellery (which we all know, Libra loves!) see Lapis Lazuli tiaras here.


Blue Lace Agate: is a calming stone that soothes unease and enhances one’s ability to communicate – perhaps more so than any other stone. It is connected to the throat chakra and allows one to raise their vibration as well as hear the guidance of angels during meditation. Carrying Blue Lace Agate around brings balance and emotional stability to one’s life.


Aquamarine: is a stone of courage and creativity, it brings a flow of clarity in times of conflict be it in regards to one’s thought patterns, relationships or endeavours. Aquamarine soothes the throat chakra and provides compassion when one is feeling overwhelmed. It is especially great for studying, intellect and spiritual development.


Moonstone: is a stone of profound inner knowing and intuition, it is connected to the energy of the moon and coincides with the crown chakra. This stone offers its user insight in regards to the mysteries of life, assisting in the choice of one’s optimal direction. Moonstone provides light, wisdom, composure and aids energetic blocks to those who keep it near.


Altogether, this combination of crystals is bound to bring about the dreamy, intuitive and thriving energy of Libra. It allows for us to tap into our intuition at its fullest capacity, as well as balance our emotional, physical and spiritual selves.


Whichever your sun sign may be, be sure to enjoy all of the love, social and work opportunities this month has to offer! Going forwards, may you flourish and have a balanced, charming and peaceful Libra season.

Blog by: Natasha Kitts