On June 27 2020, Mars entered its own sign of Aries, heating things up as the fiery planet that represents action, assertiveness and our physical bodies begins to dominate the skies. The last time Mars was in its own sign of Aries was back in January of 2019, so if you can remember what was going on for you way back then, the energy will feel very similar over the next six months. In September Mars will go retrograde for a period of two months, making forward momentum seem difficult and frustrating. But the upside of the retrograde is that it will prompt us all to confront and address the ways in which we deal with anger, as well as give us a boost of action and energy towards our goals.Â
Action, assertiveness and physical movement are all themes that we will be dealing with collectively and individually, depending on where the sign of Aries falls in your birth chart. As always, check for your rising (not your sun!) sign for the most accurate prediction. If you’re unsure of what your rising sign is, go to astro.com and enter in your birth date and time. Look for the initials ASC and whatever sign they fall in is your rising sign.Â
If you are…
Aries RisingÂ
Mars in your first house will give you an extra push of energy to nail those fitness goals. If you’ve been struggling with motivation when it comes to exercise, this transit will give you that much-needed push to get out there and get moving! The retrograde period from September to November will be a great time to revise your fitness routine, so if you over-indulged in naps and calories all summer, this will be a much-needed boost for you. Carry a piece of carnelian with you while you exercise to keep your energy levels up!Â
Taurus RisingÂ
Mars in Aries may bring up some parts of yourself that you’ve been repressing, so you may enjoy this transit a little less than some of the other signs. The retrograde period in particular will bring to the surface any deeply-buried our goals! anger that you’ve been avoiding, so the sooner you can confront it, the better. Keep some blue lace agate with you to keep your cool as you face down your shadow side.Â
Gemini Rising
Aries rules your eleventh house of friends, colleagues and associates, and some of you Gemini rising people might be feeling a bit restless and eager to socialize this summer! Towards the fall, however, you might find your efforts to get together with groups of people are frustrated (especially when the Mars retrograde squares off with Saturn), so if you can redirect all that pent-up “people” energy towards a community project or charity, you’ll find a lot more smooth sailing! Meditate with or carry rose quartz to help you think of ways that you can take care of others and yourself.Â
Cancer RisingÂ
Your career will be the focus of the rest of the year if you’re a Cancer rising, and after a series of eclipses in your first house you might find that you’ve undergone a bit of a personal transformation. The Mars transits will compel some of you to search for a new job or even career that’s more in alignment with your new path, perhaps something to do with academia, travel or spirituality. Keep a piece of pyrite in your office or at your desk to show you how to make money in your new chosen field.Â
Leo RisingÂ
Leo rising people will feel a burning desire to learn something new over the next little while. If you’ve always wanted to pick up a new language or dive deeply into a spiritual or esoteric subject or even research and write a book, Mars transiting through your ninth house will give you an extra push to do just that. Some Leo rising people may even find yourselves going back to school this September! Fluorite will be your best friend throughout the rest of 2020, helping you to focus and organize your thoughts and your work.Â
Virgo Rising
Mars in your eighth house will amp up your desire for some--ahem--action, but towards the fall you might find that it’s less forthcoming than you’d like. Channel some of that frustrated energy into personal transformation so that when the retrograde ends, you’ll feel like a brand-new you, with a shot of extra confidence to boost! Some of you may find yourself dealing with issues around taxes, inheritances and other people’s issues, so hang on tight to a piece of labradorite to help shield you from any unwanted energies and assist in whatever transformation you’re undergoing!Â
Libra Rising
It’s all about the relationships for Libra rising people for the rest of this year, but being the sign of relationships, you’re used to it! If you’ve been trying to lock down a particular relationship, July and August are the perfect time to make that move, especially as Venus has now come out of her retrograde. For those of you already paired up, watch for conflicts and arguments that could come up in September. Put a piece of kunzite in the bedroom or living room to help solidify your relationship and give it longevity.Â
Scorpio RisingÂ
With Mars moving through your sixth house for the rest of the year, themes of health, work and your daily routines will be highlighted for you. Some of you may find that you’re a bit more accident-prone during this time, so be extra careful when doing anything physically strenuous and take your time getting around. Some of you may also find that your daily routines get disrupted or even changed, so carry a grounding stone like red jasper to help you stay strong and healthy to weather any changes.Â
Sagittarius Rising
When it comes to creativity, Mars in Aries will bring new wind under your sails! Any creative projects, hobbies or interests you have will get an extra boost of energy and vitality, so take advantage of it, Sag rising people! Just be careful not to over-indulge, as there can be a tendency with this energy to get a bit obsessive and neglect other areas of your life. Some Sag rising people may also find themselves with some new dating prospects during this time, so carry a piece of amazonite to keep the creativity flowing and to make sure that anyone you do meet is aligned with your own personal truths.Â
Capricorn RisingÂ
Conflicts and tension at home is possible for Capricorn rising people over the next six months, especially when it comes to mothers, mother figures, female roommates and women in general. There’s the potential for some of you to get really fired up about a particular cause or movement that’s related to women or to a group that you identify with, so wear angelite to keep the vibes positive and keep your cool when needed!Â
Aquarius RisingÂ
You may find yourself stewing in some unexpressed anger, especially towards your neighbours, siblings or co-workers during this time. This is unaddressed anger that needs to be expressed, but resist the urge to explode or throw a fit...this Mars transit is teaching you how to deal with and communicate your anger in healthy, productive ways. Wear a  sodalite or kyanite to help you express yourself calmly and clearly, and work through any disagreements with a clear head.Â
Pisces RisingÂ
Mars in your second house will highlight issues around your resources, but not all of them are financial! Pisces rising people can have a tendency to give so generously to others that you lose sight of who you are and what you need in the process, so the upcoming Mars retrograde will be a good time for you to redirect your focus and efforts towards yourself. How can you use your time, money and energy to do the things that you really want to do? Carrying or wearing a piece of rhodonite will show you how to love and care for yourself so you don’t have to keep emptying your own cup for the sake of others.Â
Happy Mars in Aries to all of you, and best of luck with the rest of this dynamic, historical year!