Sagittarius - Strength for your next adventure.

Sagittarius - Strength for your next adventure.


Nov 22 – Dec 21

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Planet: Jupiter

Constellation: The Archer

Crystals: Citrine, Imperial Topaz, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli

Element: Fire

Key words: Free-spirited, philosophical, wanderer.

Birth Stone: Topaz

Harness the unbridled spirit of the archer and through caution to the wind, let the energies guide you past your fears and assist you in harnessing its confidence and enthusiasm. Use Sagittarius’s magical energy to give you the strength for your next adventure.

Take this time to learn how to act with absolute freedom, clearing your mind of judgement and inhibition and broaden your mentality, open yourself up to receive this energy from Sagittarius to propel yourself forward with pure faith and positivity. Let your happiness flourish and use the strength provided by Sagittarius to fully believe in yourself and remove any of those self-imposed boundaries.

This time of year, is fueled by a wanderlust and a hunger for knowledge, drawing you to opportunities for expansion, growth and learning. Use this time to asses your aspirations with a discerning eye to prevent yourself from going to extreme. You will feel Sagittarius’ strong sense of independence making you wild at heart and free-spirited in romance, Sagittarius is known not to settle down quickly.

Heavy commitments or clinginess can make you flighty, you may even seem preoccupied mentally and could come across as callous or uncaring. Meditating with turquoise can help you focus on tasks with small details or nuances, it will also aid with adding a degree of sensitivity and finesse to round out any blunt or harsh edges you may experience.

Let the intelligence of the Archer wash over you, except the broader senses of knowing through your intuition and explore the openness that connects you to a larger purpose. Sagittarius knows no limit to what they can learn and the search for knowledge and experience will provide enlightenment on your path forward.


  • Citrine – the perfect stone for learning new things about yourself and things around the world. Citrine sparks your intellect and encourages you to stimulate your mental body with new ideas, deep conversation.
  • Imperial Topaz – can enhance ceremony and ritual work, as well as connecting with accentors. Calling upon them for wisdom and guidance that may be needed.
  • Labradorite – this highly protective crystal is an excellent stone for you, its illustrious colours can take you into another world, stimulating your intuition and linking you to esoteric knowledge
  • Lapis Lazuli – A good crystal to work with when you feel ready to explore the world, prompting adventure and travel embracing your wanderlust. Linking you to divine guidance

Drawing strength from the Archer to take up the reins of your own destiny enjoying every monument of this wild ride.