Collection: Crystals by Shape: Generators

Generators: Crystals for Activation and Enhanced Vibrations

Activate Energy, Enhance Vibrations, and Direct Focus with Generator Crystals

Welcome to Happy Soul’s Generator Crystals page! Generator crystals, known for their powerful energy and pointed shape, are perfect tools for activating and enhancing the vibrations you're working with. These crystals are ideal for meditation, energy work, and amplifying intentions. Discover the unique properties and benefits of generator crystals and how they can support your spiritual and personal growth.

Why Choose Generator Crystals?

Generator crystals are essential for those looking to activate energy, enhance vibrations, and direct focus. Here’s why generator crystals are beneficial:

  • Energy Activation: Powerful tools for activating and amplifying energy.
  • Enhanced Vibrations: Enhance and elevate the vibrations you’re working with.
  • Focused Direction: The pointed shape directs energy effectively, making them excellent for meditation and energy work.
  • Versatile Use: Suitable for various practices, including meditation, energy healing, and intention setting.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Adds a striking and dynamic touch to your crystal collection.

How to Use Generator Crystals

1. Activating Energy

  • How: Use a generator crystal as a wand to activate and amplify the energy in your space or during energy work.
  • Why: The pointed shape directs energy precisely, enhancing activation and focus.
  • Where: In your meditation space, during healing sessions, or as part of a crystal grid.
  • When: During energy work, meditation, or when setting intentions.
  • Affirmation: “I activate and amplify positive energy in my life.”
  • Activity Prompt: Use the generator crystal to trace patterns or symbols in the air, activating and directing energy as needed.

2. Enhancing Vibrations

  • How: Meditate with a generator crystal or place it in your environment.
  • Why: Enhances and elevates the vibrations you’re working with, promoting a higher frequency.
  • Where: In your meditation space, office, or any area where you wish to enhance vibrations.
  • When: During meditation, energy work, or daily to maintain elevated vibrations.
  • Affirmation: “I am surrounded by high vibrations and positive energy.”
  • Activity Prompt: Meditate with the generator crystal for 10-15 minutes daily to enhance and elevate your vibrations.

3. Directing Focus

  • How: Use the pointed tip of the generator crystal to direct energy towards a specific goal or intention.
  • Why: The focused direction of energy helps in achieving goals and amplifying intentions.
  • Where: In your meditation space, during goal-setting sessions, or as part of a vision board.
  • When: During moments of intention setting or daily to maintain focused direction.
  • Affirmation: “I direct my energy towards my highest goals and intentions.”
  • Activity Prompt: Hold the generator crystal while setting your intentions or goals, visualizing the energy being directed towards achieving them.

Best Practices for Using Generator Crystals

  • Regular Cleansing: Cleanse your generator crystals regularly to maintain their high vibrational energy. This can be done by placing them in sunlight, moonlight, or using cleansing tools like sage or sound.
  • Intention Setting: Set clear intentions when using generator crystals to enhance their effectiveness. Hold the crystal and state your intention or desired outcome.
  • Mindful Meditation: Use generator crystals during meditation to enhance focus, energy activation, and vibration elevation.
  • Energy Work: Incorporate generator crystals into your energy healing practices to direct and amplify energy effectively.

Affirmations for Generator Crystals

  • “I activate and amplify positive energy in my life.”
  • “I am surrounded by high vibrations and positive energy.”
  • “I direct my energy towards my highest goals and intentions.”

Activity Prompts for Generator Crystals

  • Daily Activation: Use the generator crystal to trace patterns or symbols in the air, activating and directing energy as needed.
  • Enhance Vibrations: Meditate with the generator crystal for 10-15 minutes daily to enhance and elevate your vibrations.
  • Focus Energy: Hold the generator crystal while setting your intentions or goals, visualizing the energy being directed towards achieving them.

38 products

  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Generator $30

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $30.00
    Sale price $30.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Rose Quartz Generator $40

    Are you giving priority to being loving? The crystal of unconditional love, self love, forgiveness and reconciliation. Rose Quartz opens the heart chakra and encourages harmony...

    Regular price $40.00
    Sale price $40.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Selenite Tower $20

    Selenite is used to cleanse and energize auras, crystals, and spaces. It connects to divine moon energy and is self-clearing and self-charging.  A protective crystal for...

    Regular price $20.00
    Sale price $20.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Rose Quartz Generator $50

    Are you giving priority to being loving? The crystal of unconditional love, self love, forgiveness and reconciliation. Rose Quartz opens the heart chakra and encourages harmony...

    Regular price $50.00
    Sale price $50.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Generator $50

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $50.00
    Sale price $50.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Generator $40

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $40.00
    Sale price $40.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Generator $12

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $12.00
    Sale price $12.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst Generator $18

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $18.00
    Sale price $18.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Generator $18

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $18.00
    Sale price $18.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Generator $25

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $25.00
    Sale price $25.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Generator $40

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $40.00
    Sale price $40.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Selenite Candle Holder Tower Mini $15

    Selenite is used to cleanse and energize auras, crystals, and spaces. It connects to divine moon energy and is self-clearing and self-charging.  A protective crystal for...

    Regular price $15.00
    Sale price $15.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Pyrite Generator $70

    Do you believe if you think big and take action, you can change the world? Pyrite teaches you how to make money and build a business. ...

    Regular price $70.00
    Sale price $70.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Moonstone - Peach Generator $75

    Connecting to waxing moon energy, Peach Moonstone gives guidence on when to turn your thoughts and reflections into action. Chakra Association: SacralAstrological Association: Cancer & AriesCountry of...

    Regular price $75.00
    Sale price $75.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Jasper - Dalmatian Generator $35

    Dalmatian Jasper awakens fun and humour, and is an excellent aid while quitting smoking.  It also balances chakras in dogs! Chakra Association: RootAstrological Association: VirgoCountry of Origin: WorldwideStructure: Hexagonal...

    Regular price $35.00
    Sale price $35.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amazonite Generator $85

    Where do you need more motivation? A crystal that motivates you to action. Flow like a waterfall, release the judgment of others, and speak your truth....

    Regular price $85.00
    Sale price $85.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Smoky Quartz Generator $35

    Smoky Quartz is a gentle, grounding, and protective stone that aids in reducing stress and getting you through difficult times. It anchors the physical body during...

    Regular price $35.00
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  • Crystals

    Howlite Generator $65

    Howlite tells us there’s a lot more to us than others see - make sure you cherish those parts of yourself and relax into them. Howlite...

    Regular price $65.00
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  • Crystals

    Amazonite Generator $75

    Where do you need more motivation? A crystal that motivates you to action. Flow like a waterfall, release the judgment of others, and speak your truth....

    Regular price $75.00
    Sale price $75.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Agate - Flower Generator $25

    A stone of action that enhances the body, mind and spirit, bringing vitality and growth into your energetic field. Chakra Association: SacralAstrological Association: Sagittarius & JupiterCountry...

    Regular price $25.00
    Sale price $25.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Prehnite - Generator $85

    Prehnite is able to connect you to divine or angelic energy and knowledge, if you're willing to look deep within yourself.  It connects your heart to...

    Regular price $85.00
    Sale price $85.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Obsidian Generator $80

    Obsidian, a volcanic glass, is a repeller stone, reflecting negative energy and dissolving anger, criticism, and fear.  It's a highly protective crystal that cuts energetic cords...

    Regular price $80.00
    Sale price $80.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Generator $140

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $140.00
    Sale price $140.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Jasper - Maligano Generator $80

    Helps you to shed what no longer serves you.  Maligano Jasper will reorganize your life, and encourage working well in groups. Chakra Association: RootAstrological Association: GeminiCountry of...

    Regular price $80.00
    Sale price $80.00 Regular price
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