Collection: Crystals by Shape: Tumbles

Tumbled Crystals: Soft Even Energy for Beginners

Portable, Affordable, and Perfect for Everyday Use with Tumbled Crystals

Welcome to Happy Soul’s Tumbled Crystals page! Tumbled crystals, known for their smooth, polished surfaces, emit a soft and even energy field. These versatile stones are perfect for beginners and seasoned crystal enthusiasts alike. Portable and affordable, tumbled crystals are small enough to carry on your person or leave under your pillow, making them ideal for everyday use. Discover the unique properties and benefits of tumbled crystals and how they can support your emotional well-being and spiritual growth.

Why Choose Tumbled Crystals?

Tumbled crystals are essential for those looking to harness the gentle energy of crystals in a convenient and accessible way. Here’s why tumbled crystals are beneficial:

  • Soft Even Energy: Emit a gentle and balanced energy field, perfect for subtle healing and daily use.
  • Portable: Small and easy to carry, making them perfect for on-the-go energy support.
  • Affordable: Budget-friendly, allowing you to build a diverse crystal collection without breaking the bank.
  • Ideal for Beginners: Simple to use and understand, making them great for those new to crystal healing.
  • Versatile Use: Suitable for various practices, including meditation, stress relief, and sleep support.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Adds a beautiful and colorful touch to your crystal collection and home decor.

How to Use Tumbled Crystals

1. Emitting a Soft Even Energy Field

  • How: Place tumbled crystals in your living space or carry them with you.
  • Why: Emit a gentle and balanced energy field, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.
  • Where: In your home, office, or pocket.
  • When: Anytime you need to enhance your energy field with soft, even vibrations.
  • Affirmation: “I am surrounded by gentle and balanced energy.”
  • Activity Prompt: Place tumbled crystals around your home or workspace to create a balanced and harmonious environment.

2. Portable Energy Support

  • How: Carry tumbled crystals in your pocket or bag.
  • Why: Provides on-the-go energy support, helping to maintain balance and calm throughout the day.
  • Where: On your person, in your pocket, or bag.
  • When: Throughout the day, during travel, or in stressful situations.
  • Affirmation: “I carry calm and balanced energy with me wherever I go.”
  • Activity Prompt: Keep a tumbled crystal in your pocket or bag and hold it during moments of stress or anxiety to maintain a sense of calm.

3. Affordable and Accessible

  • How: Start your crystal collection with a variety of affordable tumbled stones.
  • Why: Allows you to experience the benefits of different crystals without a significant financial investment.
  • Where: In your home, workspace, or carried with you.
  • When: Anytime you want to explore the benefits of crystal healing.
  • Affirmation: “I explore and embrace the healing energies of my crystal collection.”
  • Activity Prompt: Build a diverse collection of tumbled crystals and experiment with their different energies and properties.

4. Enhancing Sleep and Dreams

  • How: Place tumbled crystals under your pillow or on your bedside table.
  • Why: Promotes restful sleep and enhances dreams by creating a soothing energy field.
  • Where: Under your pillow, on your bedside table, or in your bedroom.
  • When: Every night, to support restful sleep and positive dreams.
  • Affirmation: “I sleep peacefully and my dreams are filled with positive energy.”
  • Activity Prompt: Place a tumbled crystal under your pillow each night to promote restful sleep and positive dream experiences.

Best Practices for Using Tumbled Crystals

  • Regular Cleansing: Cleanse your tumbled crystals regularly to maintain their gentle and balanced energy. This can be done by placing them in sunlight, moonlight, or using cleansing tools like sage or sound.
  • Intention Setting: Set clear intentions when using tumbled crystals to enhance their effectiveness. Hold the crystal and state your intention or desired outcome.
  • Mindful Meditation: Use tumbled crystals during meditation to enhance relaxation, focus, and stress relief.
  • Consistent Use: Incorporate tumbled crystals into your daily routine for continuous emotional support, balance, and well-being.

Affirmations for Tumbled Crystals

  • “I am surrounded by gentle and balanced energy.”
  • “I carry calm and balanced energy with me wherever I go.”
  • “I explore and embrace the healing energies of my crystal collection.”
  • “I sleep peacefully and my dreams are filled with positive energy.”

Activity Prompts for Tumbled Crystals

  • Daily Energy Balance: Place tumbled crystals around your home or workspace to create a balanced and harmonious environment.
  • Portable Calm: Keep a tumbled crystal in your pocket or bag and hold it during moments of stress or anxiety to maintain a sense of calm.
  • Affordable Healing: Build a diverse collection of tumbled crystals and experiment with their different energies and properties.
  • Enhance Sleep: Place a tumbled crystal under your pillow each night to promote restful sleep and positive dream experiences.

357 products

  • Crystals

    Chalcedony - Green Tumble $3

    Green Chalcedony brings your heart into the present moment by grounding you in sensible love. Chakra Association: HeartAstrological Association: VirgoCountry of Origin: Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia,...

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    Sale price $3.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Peridot Mini Tumble $1

    What have you been denying yourself? Peridot supports learning by teaching others, which can help you identify what's missing in your life.  It is also great...

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    Tourmaline - Black Tumble $4

    Is it time to change the energy of your living and work environment? Promotes self-confidence by clearing away negative thoughts, and absorbing psychic attacks. Black Tourmaline...

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  • Crystals

    Aventurine - Red Tumble $3

    A micro-crystalline quartz. The most gentle and loving of the root chakra grounding crystals, Red Aventurine creates a sense of security and comfort for being creative....

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  • Crystals

    Onyx Tumble $3

    Helps to prevent the drain of personal energy and gives strength during times of stress, confusion or grief. Onyx is useful for self-discipline and in healing...

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  • Crystals

    Tiger's Eye Tumble $3

    Has a decision you have put off impacted your life? Tiger's Eye increases your decision-making ability by boosting your confidence and allowing you to follow-up with...

    Regular price $3.00
    Sale price $3.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Jasper - Leopard Skin Mini Tumble $1

    Be your most authentic you with Leopard Skin Jasper, which heals the trauma of conformity. Chakra Association: RootAstrological Association: Gemini & ScorpioCountry of Origin: WorldwideStructure: Hexagonal Each crystal is...

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  • Crystals

    Agate - Crazy Lace Gopher Tumble $3

    Helps adapt a go-getter attitude. Dig into what needs to be done in your life! Chakra Association: Solar PlexusAstrological Association: Gemini & MercuryCountry of Origin: Czech...

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  • Crystals

    Emerald Mini Tumble $1

    The crystal of successful love, as it encourages joy and vitality but with discernment. Brings to the conscious what is unconsciously known. Chakra Association: HeartAstrological Association:...

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  • Crystals

    Agate - Blue Lace Tumble $10

    For tranquility and soothing anger.  Brings you into zen and allows you to listen to those you are not hearing with your heart. Clears out the...

    Regular price $10.00
    Sale price $10.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Aura Quartz - Angel Tumble $10

    Clear Quartz with electrostatically bonded silver and platinum gives a synergistic blend of the properties of clear quartz and a unique spectrum of subtle energies all...

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  • Crystals

    Agate - Tree Tumble $2

    Heals your heart by releasing blockages of childhood unhappiness from your lower chakras. Chakra Association: Heart (Outer)Astrological Association: Taurus & VenusCountry of Origin: Brazil, Czech Republic,...

    Regular price $2.00
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  • Crystals

    Pyrite Tumble $6

    Do you believe if you think big and take action, you can change the world? Pyrite teaches you how to make money and build a business. ...

    Regular price $6.00
    Sale price $6.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Fluorite - Green Tumble $2

    Does worrying about things slow you down? Gives clarity to your current situation, facilitating moving forward with ease and focus. For mental clarity and concentration, and...

    Regular price $2.00
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  • Crystals

    Opal - Green Mini Tumble $1

    Specifically beneficial to the heart chakra, Green Opal helps to heal emotional damage and relationships.  Go with the flow and move forward with your life. Chakra...

    Regular price $1.00
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  • Crystals

    Rhyolite - Rainforest Tumble $4

    When you’re feeling overwhelmed, Rainforest Rhyolite helps you move forward and feel strong. It reminds you that you’re surrounded by beauty. Chakra Association: HeartAstrological Association: Gemini & SagittariusCountry...

    Regular price $4.00
    Sale price $4.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Nuummite - Tumble $5

    Known as the Scorcerer's stone, Nuummite will help you find your true powers when you're ready for them, and make esoteric knowledge simpler to understand.  Feel...

    Regular price $5.00
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  • Crystals

    Unakite - Tumble $2

    Unakite clears blocks between the sacral chakra and the heart, assisting with sexual issues. It's also an excellent stone for mothers-to-be. Chakra Association: Heart and SacralAstrological Association: ScorpioCountry...

    Regular price $2.00
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  • Crystals

    Kyanite - Blue Tumble $15

    How can you share your voice with the world? A communication stone, Blue Kyanite is good to hold when journaling, writing, or speaking.  It aligns all...

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    Sale price $15.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Snow Tumble $1

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

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  • Crystals

    Morganite Tumble $6

    Feel the support of the mother goddess and your spirit guides - trust their influences in your life as you grow.  Morganite helps you believe you...

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    Sale price $6.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Prehnite - Tumble $4

    Prehnite is able to connect you to divine or angelic energy and knowledge, if you're willing to look deep within yourself.  It connects your heart to...

    Regular price $4.00
    Sale price $4.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Quartz - Rutilated Tumble $3

    Increases psychic ability, as related to your current situation and what is around you. Chakra Association: CrownAstrological Association: LeoCountry of Origin: WorldwideStructure: Tetragonal Each crystal is approximately 4-8 grams (up...

    Regular price $3.00
    Sale price $3.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Tiger's Eye Tumble $10

    Has a decision you have put off impacted your life? Tiger's Eye increases your decision-making ability by boosting your confidence and allowing you to follow-up with...

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