Collection: Crystals for Amplifying Intuition

Enhance Your Inner Wisdom and Psychic Abilities with Powerful Intuition Crystals

Welcome to Happy Soul’s Amplify Intuition Crystals Collection! Intuition is a powerful tool for navigating life with confidence and clarity. Our specially selected crystals are here to help you enhance your intuitive abilities, connect with your inner wisdom, and support your journey towards heightened awareness. These crystals are essential tools for promoting psychic abilities, supporting spiritual growth, and fostering a deeper connection with your inner self.

Why Choose Intuition-Enhancing Crystals?

Intuition-enhancing crystals are invaluable for supporting your intuitive abilities and promoting a sense of inner knowing. They help to enhance psychic abilities, deepen spiritual connection, and provide a sense of clarity and insight. The crystals in our Amplify Intuition Collection are chosen to help you:

  • Enhance Psychic Abilities: Promote a stronger connection to your inner wisdom and psychic abilities.
  • Deepen Spiritual Connection: Support your connection to higher consciousness and spiritual realms.
  • Encourage Clarity: Maintain clarity and focus while accessing intuitive insights.
  • Support Awareness: Foster a sense of heightened awareness and perception.

Featured Intuition-Enhancing Crystals

  1. Clear Quartz

    • How: Meditate with clear quartz or place it in your environment.
    • Why: Enhances clarity, amplifies energy, and supports spiritual connection.
    • Where: Keep it in your meditation space or carry it during intuitive practices.
    • When: Use during meditation to enhance clarity and focus.
    • Affirmation: “I am clear-minded, focused, and intuitively connected.”
    • Activity Prompt: Start your meditation session with clear quartz to amplify your energy and enhance intuitive insights.
  2. Amethyst

    • How: Use amethyst in meditation or place it in your environment.
    • Why: Promotes spiritual clarity, enhances intuition, and supports calmness.
    • Where: Keep it in your meditation space or bedroom for continuous calming energy.
    • When: Utilize during times of meditation or spiritual practices to promote calm and intuitive clarity.
    • Affirmation: “I am spiritually connected, calm, and intuitively clear.”
    • Activity Prompt: Meditate with amethyst to enhance your spiritual connection and intuitive clarity.
  3. Barite

    • How: Meditate with barite or place it in your environment.
    • Why: Enhances inner vision, supports psychic abilities, and promotes spiritual growth.
    • Where: Keep it in your meditation space or carry it during spiritual practices.
    • When: Use during times of introspection or when seeking spiritual insight.
    • Affirmation: “I am connected to my inner vision and psychic abilities.”
    • Activity Prompt: Meditate with barite during times of introspection to enhance inner vision and spiritual growth.
  4. Rainbow Moonstone

    • How: Use rainbow moonstone in meditation or wear it as jewelry.
    • Why: Promotes intuition, enhances spiritual awareness, and supports emotional balance.
    • Where: Keep it in your living space or carry it during the day for continuous intuitive support.
    • When: Utilize during times of emotional turmoil or when seeking intuitive insights.
    • Affirmation: “I am intuitively aware, emotionally balanced, and spiritually connected.”
    • Activity Prompt: Meditate with rainbow moonstone during times of emotional turmoil to enhance intuition and emotional balance.

Best Practices for Using Intuition-Enhancing Crystals

  • Meditation: Incorporate these crystals into your daily meditation practice to enhance their intuitive and spiritual effects.
  • Affirmations: Pair each crystal with specific affirmations to amplify their energy.
  • Energy Grids: Create crystal grids in your home or meditation space to promote intuitive clarity, spiritual connection, and awareness.
  • Self-care Rituals: Include crystals in your self-care routines, such as baths or massages, to promote relaxation and intuitive clarity.

Affirmations for Amplifying Intuition

  • Clear Quartz: “I am clear-minded, focused, and intuitively connected.”
  • Amethyst: “I am spiritually connected, calm, and intuitively clear.”
  • Barite: “I am connected to my inner vision and psychic abilities.”
  • Rainbow Moonstone: “I am intuitively aware, emotionally balanced, and spiritually connected.”

Activity Prompts for Amplifying Intuition

  • Intuitive Clarity: Start your meditation session with clear quartz to amplify your energy and enhance intuitive insights.
  • Spiritual Connection: Meditate with amethyst to enhance your spiritual connection and intuitive clarity.
  • Inner Vision: Meditate with barite during times of introspection to enhance inner vision and spiritual growth.
  • Emotional Balance: Meditate with rainbow moonstone during times of emotional turmoil to enhance intuition and emotional balance.

137 products

  • Necklace

    Pendant - Clear Quartz Wrapped Point

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras,...

    Regular price $18.00
    Sale price $18.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Generator $30

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $30.00
    Sale price $30.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz - Laser Point $5

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $5.00
    Sale price $5.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Aura Quartz - Angel Amethyst Tumble $10

    Amethyst with electrostatically bonded silver and platinum gives a synergistic blend of the properties of amethyst and a unique spectrum of subtle energies all its own....

    Regular price $10.00
    Sale price $10.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Tumble $9

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $9.00
    Sale price $9.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Amethyst - Chevron Tumble $6

    How often do you connect to higher source? Chevron Amethyst brings harmony by balancing the aura and stabilizing your life through spiritual development. Chakra Association: Third...

    Regular price $6.00
    Sale price $6.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Snow Tumble $1

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $1.00
    Sale price $1.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Cluster $20

    The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen the aura, and to amplify...

    Regular price $20.00
    Sale price $20.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Cluster $30

    These high quality, extra clear Mini Clear Quartz Clusters would be perfect for any crystal grid! Or just perfect on its own. The prime crystal –...

    Regular price $30.00
    Sale price $30.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst Raw $6

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $6.00
    Sale price $6.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Necklace

    Necklace - Amethyst Assorted Shapes $30

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $30.00
    Sale price $30.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Necklace

    Pendant - Amethyst Star $15

    How often do you connect to higher source? Amethyst strengthens spirituality, psychic powers and dream recollection and relates to the third eye chakra Each crystal pendant measures approximately...

    Regular price $15.00
    Sale price $15.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Star $8

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $8.00
    Sale price $8.00 Regular price
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  • Necklace

    Pendant - Clear Quartz Heart $15

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras,...

    Regular price $15.00
    Sale price $15.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Tumble $5

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $5.00
    Sale price $5.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst Cluster $35

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $35.00
    Sale price $35.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Generator $50

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $50.00
    Sale price $50.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst - Chevron Point $7

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Chevron Amethyst brings harmony by balancing the aura and stabilizing your life through spiritual development. Chakra Association:...

    Regular price $7.00
    Sale price $7.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Generator Mini $10

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $10.00
    Sale price $10.00 Regular price $0.00
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz - Lemurian Point $5

    Are you looking for the truth? A form of quartz with striations that assists in accessing Lemurian consciousness. Chakra Association: CrownAstrological Association: LeoCountry of Origin: WorldwideStructure:...

    Regular price $5.00
    Sale price $5.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Barite Raw $8

    Barite is for advanced users. It can assist in astral travel and shape-shifting. Use Barite for strengthening inner vision and dream recall. Working with this stone can...

    Regular price $8.00
    Sale price $8.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Geode $2

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $2.00
    Sale price $2.00 Regular price $10.00
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz -Lithium Point

    A very calming crystal that brings in positive energy so you feel yourself again. Placing on any of the chakras will calm that chakra. Chakra Association: CrownAstrological...

    Regular price $13.00
    Sale price $13.00 Regular price
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  • Crystal Sets

    Clear Quartz Etched Reiki Energy Healing Wands Set

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Regular price $50.00
    Sale price $50.00 Regular price
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