Collection: Crystals for a Journey to Good Sleep

Enhance Your Sleep and Relaxation with Powerful Crystals

Welcome to Happy Soul’s Journey to Good Sleep Crystals Collection! A restful night’s sleep is essential for overall well-being and rejuvenation. Our specially selected crystals are here to help you enhance your sleep quality, promote relaxation, and support your journey towards restful and restorative sleep. These crystals are essential tools for promoting calmness, reducing stress, and fostering a peaceful sleep environment.

Why Choose Sleep-Enhancing Crystals?

Sleep-enhancing crystals are invaluable for creating a tranquil and relaxing sleep environment. They help to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and provide a sense of calm and tranquility. The crystals in our Journey to Good Sleep Collection are chosen to help you:

  • Enhance Relaxation: Promote a sense of calm and relaxation.
  • Reduce Stress: Help to alleviate stress and anxiety.
  • Encourage Restful Sleep: Support a peaceful and restorative sleep environment.
  • Promote Emotional Balance: Foster emotional stability and balance.

Featured Sleep-Enhancing Crystals

  1. Red Jasper

    • How: Meditate with red jasper or place it under your pillow.
    • Why: Promotes emotional balance, enhances relaxation, and supports restful sleep.
    • Where: Keep it in your bedroom or carry it during relaxation activities.
    • When: Use during bedtime to promote relaxation and emotional balance.
    • Affirmation: “I am emotionally balanced, relaxed, and ready for restful sleep.”
    • Activity Prompt: Place red jasper under your pillow before sleep to enhance relaxation and emotional balance.
  2. Lithium Quartz

    • How: Use lithium quartz in meditation or place it near your bed.
    • Why: Reduces stress, promotes calmness, and supports restful sleep.
    • Where: Keep it in your bedroom or carry it during stressful times.
    • When: Utilize during bedtime or moments of stress to promote calm and relaxation.
    • Affirmation: “I am calm, relaxed, and free from stress.”
    • Activity Prompt: Meditate with lithium quartz before sleep to reduce stress and promote calmness.
  3. Amethyst

    • How: Use amethyst in meditation or place it under your pillow.
    • Why: Promotes spiritual clarity, enhances relaxation, and supports peaceful sleep.
    • Where: Keep it in your bedroom or carry it during relaxation activities.
    • When: Use during bedtime to promote restful sleep and spiritual clarity.
    • Affirmation: “I am spiritually connected, calm, and ready for peaceful sleep.”
    • Activity Prompt: Place amethyst under your pillow before sleep to enhance relaxation and spiritual clarity.
  4. Smoky Quartz

    • How: Use smoky quartz in meditation or place it near your bed.
    • Why: Promotes grounding, reduces anxiety, and supports restful sleep.
    • Where: Keep it in your bedroom or carry it during stressful times.
    • When: Utilize during bedtime or moments of anxiety to promote calm and grounding.
    • Affirmation: “I am grounded, calm, and ready for restful sleep.”
    • Activity Prompt: Meditate with smoky quartz before sleep to enhance grounding and reduce anxiety.

Best Practices for Using Sleep-Enhancing Crystals

  • Meditation: Incorporate these crystals into your nightly meditation practice to enhance their calming and sleep-promoting effects.
  • Affirmations: Pair each crystal with specific affirmations to amplify their energy.
  • Energy Grids: Create crystal grids in your bedroom to promote relaxation, calmness, and restful sleep.
  • Self-care Rituals: Include crystals in your nightly self-care routines, such as baths or relaxation exercises, to promote relaxation and stress reduction.

Affirmations for Journey to Good Sleep

  • Red Jasper: “I am emotionally balanced, relaxed, and ready for restful sleep.”
  • Lithium Quartz: “I am calm, relaxed, and free from stress.”
  • Amethyst: “I am spiritually connected, calm, and ready for peaceful sleep.”
  • Smoky Quartz: “I am grounded, calm, and ready for restful sleep.”

Activity Prompts for Journey to Good Sleep

  • Relaxation and Balance: Place red jasper under your pillow before sleep to enhance relaxation and emotional balance.
  • Stress Reduction: Meditate with lithium quartz before sleep to reduce stress and promote calmness.
  • Spiritual Clarity: Place amethyst under your pillow before sleep to enhance relaxation and spiritual clarity.
  • Grounding and Calm: Meditate with smoky quartz before sleep to enhance grounding and reduce anxiety.

80 products

  • Crystals

    Amethyst - Chevron Point $7

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Chevron Amethyst brings harmony by balancing the aura and stabilizing your life through spiritual development. Chakra Association:...

    Regular price $7.00
    Sale price $7.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Pendulum

    Pendulum - Amethyst Hexagonal $28

    Amethyst strengthens spirituality, psychic powers and dream recollection and corresponds to the third eye chakra Pendulums are often used as tools for spiritual healing and inner growth....

    Regular price $28.00
    Sale price $28.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst Sphere $20

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $20.00
    Sale price $20.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Amethyst Cluster

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $20.00
    Sale price $20.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Bracelet

    Bracelet - Amethyst Wrapped

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $25.00
    Sale price $25.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst Cluster $50

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $50.00
    Sale price $50.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst - Brandberg Tumble $5

    A divine teacher which protects against energetic attacks. Brandberg Amethyst will shift you to your original etheric blueprint and assist with soul and child-self retrieval. Chakra...

    Regular price $5.00
    Sale price $5.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst Raw $2

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $2.00
    Sale price $2.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst Semi-Tumbled $5

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $5.00
    Sale price $5.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst Generator $18

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $18.00
    Sale price $18.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst cluster $100

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $100.00
    Sale price $100.00 Regular price
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  • Sage & Clearing

    Palo Santo, Eucalyptus, and Amethyst Point Bundle

    Each bundle includes two sticks of palo santo, a sprig of eucalyptus, and an Amethyst Point, wrapped beautifully in raffia.  Palo Santo is a mystical tree...

    Regular price $12.00
    Sale price $12.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Smoky Quartz Cluster $20

    Smoky Quartz is a gentle, grounding, and protective stone that aids in reducing stress and getting you through difficult times. It anchors the physical body during...

    Regular price $20.00
    Sale price $20.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst Cluster $15

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $15.00
    Sale price $15.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst Cluster $75

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $75.00
    Sale price $75.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst - Window Stone $10

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $10.00
    Sale price $10.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst - Double Terminated Wand $25

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $25.00
    Sale price $25.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Smoky Quartz Tumble $20

    Smoky Quartz is a gentle, grounding, and protective stone that aids in reducing stress and getting you through difficult times. It anchors the physical body during...

    Regular price $20.00
    Sale price $20.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst Cluster $125

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $125.00
    Sale price $125.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst - Pop Socket

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Regular price $40.00
    Sale price $40.00 Regular price
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  • Necklace

    Necklace - Amethyst, Rose, Quartz, and Clear Quartz $30

    How often do you connect to higher source? Amethyst strengthens spirituality, psychic powers and dream recollection and relates to the third eye chakra Rose Quartz is...

    Regular price $30.00
    Sale price $30.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Smoky Quartz Double Terminated Point $22

    Smoky Quartz is a gentle, grounding, and protective stone that aids in reducing stress and getting you through difficult times. It anchors the physical body during...

    Regular price $22.00
    Sale price $22.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Amethyst Assorted Shapes Polished

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst increases spirituality and enhances intuition and psychic powers.  Amethyst is excellent for meditation, sleep and dream...

    Regular price $20.00
    Sale price $20.00 Regular price
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  • Crystals

    Smoky Quartz Point $35

    Smoky Quartz is a gentle, grounding, and protective stone that aids in reducing stress and getting you through difficult times. It anchors the physical body during...

    Regular price $35.00
    Sale price $35.00 Regular price
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