Collection: Crystals for Gemini Season

Align with the Versatile Energy of Gemini with Powerful Crystals

Welcome to Happy Soul’s Gemini Collection! As we step into the vibrant and dynamic Gemini season, it’s time to embrace the dual nature of Gemini and harness the power of crystals. Whether you are a Gemini or simply looking to tap into the Gemini spirit, these crystals will help you enhance communication, adaptability, and intellectual growth.

Why Choose Crystals for Gemini Season?

Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac, is known for its versatility, curiosity, and communicative nature. The crystals in our Gemini Collection are carefully selected to amplify these qualities and support you in various aspects of life:

  • Enhance Communication: Improve your verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

  • Boost Adaptability: Support your ability to adapt to new situations and environments.

  • Promote Intellectual Growth: Stimulate your mind and encourage continuous learning.

  • Support Emotional Balance: Help balance your dual nature and maintain inner peace.


Featured Crystals for Gemini

  1. Citrine

    • How: Meditate with citrine or carry it with you throughout the day.

    • Why: Attracts abundance, boosts confidence, and promotes positive energy.

    • Where: Place it in your office or workspace for a boost in creativity and productivity.

    • When: Use during the morning to start your day with an optimistic mindset.

  2. Howlite

    • How: Use howlite in meditation or place it under your pillow.

    • Why: Calms an overactive mind, promotes patience, and reduces stress.

    • Where: Keep it in your bedroom or carry it in your pocket during stressful situations.

    • When: Utilize during the evening to wind down and promote restful sleep.

  3. Serpentine

    • How: Meditate with serpentine to release emotional blockages and promote healing.

    • Why: Helps in grounding your energy and connecting with Earth’s vibrations.

    • Where: Place it in your living room or use it during nature walks.

    • When: Use during early morning meditations to start your day with a calm mind.

  4. Carnelian

    • How: Hold carnelian during affirmations or creative activities.

    • Why: Boosts motivation, creativity, and vitality.

    • Where: Keep it in your creative space or use it during physical activities.

    • When: Use in the afternoon to boost energy and motivation.


Best Practices for Using Gemini Crystals

  • Meditation: Incorporate these crystals into your daily meditation practice to enhance their benefits.

  • Affirmations: Pair each crystal with specific affirmations to strengthen their energy.

  • Energy Grids: Create crystal grids in your home or office to amplify their power.

  • Self-care Rituals: Include crystals in your self-care routines, such as baths or skincare rituals.


Affirmations for Gemini Season

  • Citrine: “I am confident, abundant, and radiate positive energy.”

  • Howlite: “I am calm, patient, and my mind is at peace.”

  • Serpentine: “I am grounded, balanced, and connected to Earth’s energy.”

  • Carnelian: “I am motivated, creative, and full of vitality.”


Activity Prompts for Gemini Season

  • Morning Routine: Start your day with a quick meditation holding citrine.

  • Stress Relief: Use howlite during evening meditation to calm your mind and promote sleep.

  • Grounding Walks: Take serpentine with you on nature walks to connect with Earth’s energy.

  • Creative Boost: Use carnelian to inspire creativity and boost physical energy.


74 products

  • Ring

    Ring - Citrine Wrapped

    What would you do if you had more than enough? Shifts your feelings towards abundance, money, and success. Citrine encourages one to share their abundance with...

    Regular price $35.00
    Sale price $35.00 Regular price $30.00
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Carnelian Tumble $6

    What do you want to create? Stabilizes energy, allowing for more strength and stamina. Can calm or energize the sacral chakra promoting creativity, expression, and fertility....

    Regular price $6.00
    Sale price $6.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Carnelian Tumble $12

    Stabilizes energy, allowing for more strength and stamina. Can calm or energize the sacral chakra promoting creativity, expression, and fertility. When a pale colour, it's known...

    Regular price $12.00
    Sale price $12.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Other Jewelry

    Keychain - Citrine Point

    What would you do if you had more than enough? Shifts your feelings towards abundance, money, and success. Citrine encourages one to share their abundance with...

    Regular price $15.00
    Sale price $15.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Howlite Tumble $4

    Howlite tells us there’s a lot more to us than others see - make sure you cherish those parts of yourself and relax into them. Howlite...

    Regular price $4.00
    Sale price $4.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Carnelian Touchstone $35

    Stabilizes energy, allowing for more strength and stamina. Can calm or energize the sacral chakra promoting creativity, expression, and fertility. When a pale colour, it's known...

    Regular price $35.00
    Sale price $35.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Serpentine Tumble $2

    A healing stone that helps with examining the past to open a fresh start or new beginning.  Serpentine will help you evolve the parts of yourself...

    Regular price $2.00
    Sale price $2.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Necklace

    Pendant - Howlite Heart $15

    Howlite tells us there’s a lot more to us than others see - make sure you cherish those parts of yourself and relax into them. Howlite...

    Regular price $15.00
    Sale price $15.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Carnelian Heart $35

    Stabilizes energy, allowing for more strength and stamina. Can calm or energize the sacral chakra promoting creativity, expression, and fertility. When a pale colour, it's known...

    Regular price $35.00
    Sale price $35.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Citrine - Natural Point $15

    What would you do if you had more than enough? Transforms your mindset, allowing the manifestation of wealth, prosperity and success. Natural Citrine encourages one to...

    Regular price $15.00
    Sale price $15.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Serpentine Tumble $10

    A healing stone that helps with examining the past to open a fresh start or new beginning.  Serpentine will help you evolve the parts of yourself...

    Regular price $10.00
    Sale price $10.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Howlite Heart $25

    Howlite tells us there’s a lot more to us than others see - make sure you cherish those parts of yourself and relax into them. Howlite...

    Regular price $25.00
    Sale price $25.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Pendulum

    Pendulum - Carnelian $25

    Pendulums are often used as tools for spiritual healing and inner growth. A pendulum is an object attached at the end of a string or metal chain. When...

    Regular price $25.00
    Sale price $25.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Bracelet

    Bracelet - Howlite Matte 8mm

      A crystal beaded bracelet to wear daily. Wear it by itself or combine with others to curate your own stack of healing crystals. Howlite tells us...

    Regular price $25.00
    Sale price $25.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Citrine - Natural Tumble $20

    What would you do if you had more than enough? Transforms your mindset, allowing the manifestation of wealth, prosperity and success. Natural Citrine encourages one to...

    Regular price $20.00
    Sale price $20.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Citrine - Natural Point $35

    What would you do if you had more than enough? Transforms your mindset, allowing the manifestation of wealth, prosperity and success. Natural Citrine encourages one to...

    Regular price $35.00
    Sale price $35.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Carnelian Touchstone $40

    Stabilizes energy, allowing for more strength and stamina. Can calm or energize the sacral chakra promoting creativity, expression, and fertility. When a pale colour, it's known...

    Regular price $40.00
    Sale price $40.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Citrine - Natural Point $20

    What would you do if you had more than enough? Transforms your mindset, allowing the manifestation of wealth, prosperity and success. Natural Citrine encourages one to...

    Regular price $20.00
    Sale price $20.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Facial Massage Roller

    Carnelian - Double Terminated Facial Massage Roller

    Use in the morning or at night after cleaning your face. Simply roll the Carnelian roller over the face and neck for up to a couple of minutes....

    Regular price $35.00
    Sale price $35.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Carnelian Touchstone $25

    Stabilizes energy, allowing for more strength and stamina. Can calm or energize the sacral chakra promoting creativity, expression, and fertility. When a pale colour, it's known...

    Regular price $25.00
    Sale price $25.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Citrine - Natural Cluster $25

    What would you do if you had more than enough? Transforms your mindset, allowing the manifestation of wealth, prosperity and success. Natural Citrine encourages one to...

    Regular price $25.00
    Sale price $25.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Citrine - Natural Point $45

    What would you do if you had more than enough? Transforms your mindset, allowing the manifestation of wealth, prosperity and success. Natural Citrine encourages one to...

    Regular price $45.00
    Sale price $45.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Necklace

    Pendant - Howlite Triangle $15

    Howlite tells us there’s a lot more to us than others see - make sure you cherish those parts of yourself and relax into them. Howlite...

    Regular price $15.00
    Sale price $15.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out
  • Crystals

    Citrine - Natural Tumble $30

    What would you do if you had more than enough? Transforms your mindset, allowing the manifestation of wealth, prosperity and success. Natural Citrine encourages one to...

    Regular price $30.00
    Sale price $30.00 Regular price
    Sale Sold out