Collection: Wizard Collection

66 products

  • Crystals

    AAA Clear Quartz Point JW $75

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Sale price $75.00
  • Crystals

    Agate - Black Generator JW $450

    Grounding and protective, this crystal is excellent for moving and keeping peace in your household by avoiding conflict. Chakra Association: RootAstrological Association: Gemini & MercuryCountry of...

    Sale price $450.00
  • Crystals

    Amazonite Generator JW $85

    Where do you need more motivation? A crystal that motivates you to action. Flow like a waterfall, release the judgment of others, and speak your truth....

    Sale price $85.00
  • Crystals

    Amethyst Generator JW $45

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Sale price $45.00
  • Crystals

    Amethyst Hydro Point JW $250

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Sale price $250.00
  • Crystals

    Amethyst Point JW $12

    How often do you connect to a higher source? Amethyst is a spiritual protection stone, increasing spirituality, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. An excellent crystal...

    Sale price $12.00
  • Crystals

    Amethyst Touch Stone JW - $60

    Touch stones fit perfectly in your hand, and can easily and discreetly be kept in your pocket or purse. The smooth surface is perfect for holding...

    Sale price $60.00
  • Crystals

    Angelite Pyramid JW $55

    For connecting to the angel realm. Feel their love and ask the crystal what message the angels have for you. Chakra Association: ThroatAstrological Association: AquariusCountry of...

    Sale price $55.00
  • Crystals

    Apatite - Blue Generator JW $95

    Helps you release negativity and unwanted baggage so you can see how you can change the world. Chakra Association: ThroatAstrological Association: CancerCountry of Origin: Mexico, Norway,...

    Sale price $95.00
  • Crystals

    Atlantisite Palm Stone JW $18

    Palm stones fit perfectly in your hand, and can easily and discreetly be kept in your pocket or purse. The smooth surface is perfect for holding...

    Sale price $18.00
  • Crystals

    Aventurine - Red Palm Stone JW $10

    A micro-crystalline quartz. The most gentle and loving of the root chakra grounding crystals, Red Aventurine creates a sense of security and comfort for being creative....

    Sale price $10.00
  • Crystals

    Calcite - Honey Raw JW $10

    A comforting crystal, Honey Calcite gives the feeling the divine is with you. It reminds you that you are enough. Chakra Association: Solar PlexusAstrological Association: Pisces...

    Sale price $10.00
  • Crystals

    Calcite - Honey Raw JW $25

    A comforting crystal, Honey Calcite gives the feeling the divine is with you. It reminds you that you are enough. Chakra Association: Solar PlexusAstrological Association: Pisces...

    Sale price $25.00
  • Crystals

    Calcite - Honey Tumble JW $3

    A comforting crystal, Honey Calcite gives the feeling the divine is with you. It reminds you that you are enough. Chakra Association: Solar PlexusAstrological Association: Pisces...

    Sale price $3.00
  • Crystals

    Calcite - Mangano Tumble JW $15

    Known as the Reiki Stone, Mangano connects to the light and love frequency. It helps release abuse of all kinds stored in the body. Chakra Association:...

    Sale price $15.00
  • Crystals

    Calcite - Pink Generator JW $70

    Connects the heart chakra to the crown, bringing in divine love to clear blockages of the heart. Chakra Association: HeartAstrological Association: Cancer & The MoonCountry of...

    Sale price $70.00
  • Crystals

    Calcite - Pink Touch Stone JW $45

    The pink calcite touchstone is a beautiful gemstone with a soft, rosy hue and smooth texture. Known for its emotional healing properties, it promotes love, compassion,...

    Sale price $45.00
  • Candle & Incense Holders

    Candle Holder - Aventurine Green

    How can you get more out of life? A micro-crystalline quartz, Green Aventurine is about the well-being of the heart and being more in tuned to...

    Sale price $45.00
  • Crystals

    Chalco-pyrite Polished Point JW $85

    Chalcopyrite Chalcopyrite embodies the spirit of transformation and abundance, urging you to embrace your potential and take bold steps toward your goals. Known for its captivating...

    Sale price $85.00
  • Crystals

    Charoite Generator JW $200

    Protects and clears the tension from the third eye. Blocks psychic attacks. Chakra Association: Third EyeAstrological Association: VirgoCountry of Origin: RussiaStructure: Monoclinic Each moon is approximately 80-100...

    Sale price $200.00
  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz - Lemurian Point JW $75

    Are you looking for the truth? A form of quartz with striations that assists in accessing Lemurian consciousness. Chakra Association: CrownAstrological Association: LeoCountry of Origin: WorldwideStructure:...

    Sale price $75.00
  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Cluster with Chlorite $60

    The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen the aura, and to amplify...

    Sale price $60.00
  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Palm Stone JW $12

    Palm stones fit perfectly in your hand, and can easily and discreetly be kept in your pocket or purse. The smooth surface is perfect for holding...

    Sale price $12.00
  • Crystals

    Clear Quartz Point JW $45

    Do you know that you are perfect? The prime crystal – high vibrational and highly programmable. Clear Quartz can be used to energize all the chakras, to strengthen...

    Sale price $45.00