
Crystal Showcase: Fairy Stone

Fairy Stones are made of rock finely ground by glaciers that is blown away by winds, and then formed into soil-like deposits. Water moving through the deposits dissolves the minerals, and the ground rock hardens to form unique and individual...

Stress Release Crystal Grid

To help guide you towards serenity and peace when you are feeling overwhelmed Apophyllite: A third eye crystal. Raising vibration and reaching high states of meditation. For connecting to spirit, connecting to the Akashic Records and for astral traveling.Citrine: Helps to...

Jupiter in Retrograde

Happy Soul Jupiter in Retrograde Set A time of spiritual introspection and reflection✔️Labradorite- Growth and transformation✔️Desert Rose- Healing and releasing what we don’t need✔️Blue Apatite- Sovereignty and acknowledgement of self✔️Amethyst- Philosophical wisdomJupiter is about growth and abundance, so when it...

Crystals for Empaths

✔️Obsidian- A protective by dissolving anger, criticism and fear and relates to the root chakra✔️Bumblebee Jasper- Helps you to adjust to changes in your life and make changes, as it gives you confidence and ability to see the positive. ✔️Rhodonite- Grounds your...

Obsidian- Stone of Truth

Obsidian Stone Of Truth Black Obsidian is a natural glass formed during the cooling of volcanic lava. Volcanic glass symbolizes the emotions that are buried deep within you. Obsidian means “Stone Of Obsius” named after Obsius a prominent Ancient Roman...

The Hero’s Journey Chart

“In narratology and comparative mythology, the Hero’s Journey, or the ‘Monomyth’, is the common template of stories that involve a ‘Hero’ who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed”It represents the...